• Academic Gate

মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস ও আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস ২০২৪ উদযাপন উপলক্ষ্যে অনুষ্ঠিতব্য আন্তর্জাতিক ও জাতীয় সেমিনারের জন্য অনলাইনের রেজিস্ট্রেশন লিংক ওয়েবসাইটে প্রদর্শন || নির্বাচনি পরীক্ষা-২০২৩ খ্রিঃ এর ফলাফল বিজ্ঞপ্তি


Now the world has been turned into a global village with the advancement of technology. But it is a hard fact that still many children are deprived of education. We need to provide education for all to eliminate poverty and to ensure sustainable development of the world. I am privileged to say that Chattogram Government Girls’ High School has been playing a significant role in women education since its inception. The school is considered as a model school for its set up in a beautiful natural environment as well as for congenial atmosphere for education. The school has got modern ICT learning center multimedia classrooms, well equipped science lab and a library with a good collection of books and so on. The teachers here receive training for their professional development and contribute for the overall development of the students. We are working as a team to prepare our students as a skillful citizen of the 21st century with humane qualities.

Marium Begum
Head Teacher(Act.)
Chittagong Govt. Girls' High School

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